1Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. 2And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
3And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made
The bible did not originally have chapters, this manner of separating the bible was added later for convenience in referencing it. I believe these three verses could just as easily been included in the first chapter because it completes the first aspect of the story.
On the seventh day God rested from all the work he had done. Creation is a hard thing and very tiring. Now we come to a point which many will disagree with me over. God is all knowing, he knows all that can be known at this point in time; but, can he continue to learn? Most would probably say that God knows all that can ever be known; but, I question this. Let us consider that he said that "they" would make man and woman and that it would be in "their" image. We will discuss this more when we get to the rest of Chapter 2.
If God can continue to learn then he could also become tired. The universe is the totality of all that exists, it is not the totality of all that will exist. God's instruction to us is to go forth and multiply. We live in a closed universe that is eternally expanding and changing. The perfect solution for eternity, eternal growth and change, always something new to learn and understand. I believe that God created a universe that he set in motion to provide him with new things to learn and think about. The universe was created by God from within himself, he created it completely and understands his creation and what he expects it will do. It was a lot of work and we must ask why he did it.
God could have just been content to be himself; but, he didn't do that, he chose to create us and we are messy things indeed. God did not want an eternity of numbness or he would have lived it. He did not want an eternity of mindless followers who loved him because he gave them nothing but joy. Would you? I would not, I would like a similar being, one capable of being independent; but, still loving. That is something that is achieved and not something that you create, it is a co-creation and that is why we have free will.
With this post I think I will take God's advice and rest. I have laid out the story of creation. What comes next is the second story of creation. Yep, there are two versions of the creation story and the second one immediately follows the first one. It isn't really contradictory; but, you have to understand the first one to understand the second. You have to understand the purpose behind both stories or it can be confusing, the same writer wrote the whole book, he knew what he was writing. If you read the bible casually then you will have a casual understanding. Be well and take care.
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