20And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.
21And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
22And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.
23And the evening and the morning were the fifth day
We arrive at the fifth day and God ups the ante. As before he creates sea life and separates it into various kinds and he creates birds and separates them into their various kinds. This is the first animal life and he treats it differently than the plant life, he blesses them and gives them instruction, he tells them to be fruitful and multiply. As with the rest of his creation he gives it his sign of approval finding it good.
God could have created everything in a second; but, he did not. I have often been asked if I believe in evolution and my answer is yes and no. I absolutely believe that fish preceded the creation of man just as science tells us; but, I do not believe that man came from fish and we have no fossil record showing a fish-mammal or a fish-vegetation split. Theoretically these splits would have occurred long ago; but, we have no fossil evidence of it and therefore no proof of it.
If we assume these splits occurred later then we have a different problem. If the creation of new species occurs as life becomes more complex than it should be an ever increasing process and it isn't. We see greater variation among species; but, we do not see the creation of new species increasing. You cannot have it both ways, either species splits occur the most when the objects are the least complex and therefore we should see very fundamental splits long ago or these splits occur as the objects become more complex and therefore they should be increasing and we don't see that going on around us.
I was an agnostic for a little over a decade. I went through college as an agnostic. Growing up I was told (and you can watch old commercials or read old school books) that oil came from dinosaurs that had died long ago, that is what everyone believed and that is what science told us; but, it is not true. Think about what we are told gas is, we are told it is a "fossil fuel". We are told that vast amounts of plankton and algae settled to the bottom of the ocean, were covered by sediment and eventually became oil from the pressure. We are told this but given no evidence at all. In fact if we consider the total amount of oil that has ever been discovered and the places it was discovered, this answer makes absolutely no sense. In addition, if what we are told is true then the earth should still be producing oil as plants and algae are still with us.
If one looks at the size of the oil fields that can be miles below, we need to consider just how much vegetation would need to have fallen all in the same place and it makes no sense. Many scientists are now questioning this explanation also. It does not matter what answer they come up with, the problem is with the answers we were given as being absolutely true when there was no firm evidence.
I don't know where oil came from and I could be good with the answer if it made sense; but, it doesn't. This is not a question of religion because the Bible doesn't say where oil came from either. It is a question of receiving "scientific" sounding answers without any proof and little logic. When I was a child, we were told that the sailors stories about giant squids were just the ramblings of superstitious and uneducated men. Today we have filmed and found these creatures. We are always told to disregard the stories of people from the past; but, if we read the words of Plato or Aristotle or Buddha we find that these people were just as smart as people today. If we look at their creations such as the Pyramids, then we must conclude that they were much smarter than we give them credit for.
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