9And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. 10And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.
Once again we have a demonstration of how God creates things. He created land first then he created water. Two separate creations and then he separated the two. It is a math problem, one exists and one can be divided into parts. Do you begin to see how special you are? You came from God, everyone and everything came from God, we are of his essence. Don't get me wrong, we are not God, we are merely a piece of him, his creation.
We cannot hate one another, he does not hate any of us, we are all of him. Later, in the New Testament, we will discuss how Jesus said that because God loved us so much he created the world. He loved all of himself and we are part of what he loved. Do you not love your body and mind?
We, each one of us, is a thought of Gods. I don't act on every thought that I have and I certainly have thoughts that are not right; but, every thought has meaning and value. Each thing I think may or may not be acted on, if I act on it not every action works out to an acceptable end; but, it was my thought. We are all a thought of God. You have probably never heard that; but, no pastor or preacher will ever correct me on it if they believe that God is all knowing.
Understand the end of the passage that we are discussing, "And God saw that it was good". God creates good, before God there was no good and nothing existed before God. We still do not really understand fully the difference between good and evil. Evil does not exist at this point of creation. God has figured out what is true, he has made his decision. God is capable of all knowledge and all thoughts have been considered. God creates that which is good, he also takes risks, he considers all alternatives. God is all knowing, not partially knowing. He is a sentient (self aware) being that is capable of knowing everything.
Understand creation, understand that you are as important as anything else that has ever existed, you matter. You are a thought of God that has been set free to find yourself, to define yourself, to see how far you can be you. Some of us get to be with God for eternity and some do not. Nobody knows whom; but, we definately get free will and the freedom to be us. The moment you stop defining yourself is the moment that you cease. If you define yourself correctly, if you are of the mind and heart of Christ then, you are eternally with him. If you are not eternally with him, you are eternally of him and free to be you.
I say this so that you understand when we talk about hell, when we talk about eternity. God has a plan for everyone and everything and it is always what is best. All works to God's plan and his plan is for our good and not our bad. Be well and love and peace.
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