A pastor that I work with was going to be out of town for a little and he asked to conduct a Wednesday night home church. Of course I was happy to; but, things never work out the way you expect when you do something new. Let's see, it took over an hour and a half for what is usually a thirty minute drive, we got lost when we got there, were almost hit by three cars and arrived a half hour late. The traffic was the worst I have seen on a Wednesday night for the area.
Once we got to the house we were going to watch a ten minute DVD and then discuss it. The DVD player which had been working all day decided to stop working and just kept opening and closing. Another DVD player was brought out and we couldn't get it to go to the section that we were to watch. Finally a third DVD player was found and brought from another place, once it arrived the first DVD player decided to work again. Persistence is sometimes required when we wish to have relationship with God and others.
We watched the video for the ten minutes and then discussed it for another fifty. People really seemed engaged and interested in the issues and a very good discussion was had. If you determine to do something for God you can't give up and three is the sign of determination. When God says something three times in the bible then you had better understand that it was important.
On the way home we had to drive in the wrong direction because while we were at the house, the road crews closed the entrance going towards where I live. 10 miles later I was able to turn us around and head home. As I exited the freeway to go home the roads had a detour and lanes blocked. I got home anyways. I was going to make a second post tonight on Genesis; but, both of the wireless mouses that I own broke today and the laptop's mouse doesn't work either. Why does this matter, because I was going to cut and paste the 10th chapter of Genesis and write about it and I cannot until I get a new mouse tomorrow. So, instead you get the story of how my night went.
This blog initially will be about reading the bible and the Book of Genesis. I don't know what else we might discuss, everything is on the table. God's word continues to prove itself. Think about this, 2,000 years ago the New Testament predicted that the word of God would go to the ends of the earth and they didn't even know that what the extent of the earth was and it has come true, the bible has been to every part of the earth. 2,000 years ago the bible said that after the word had been to the ends of the earth that there would be a great falling away from the church and we are seeing that. The number of people claiming to be Christians is decreasing faster and faster. You will not find another religion that says it shall be spread about the whole world and then people will leave the church.
This blog is about the bible and how it teaches us about God and each other. It is intended to assist people in thinking about God in very real and personal terms because he is real and personal also. People ask others if they "know" God or if they "know" Jesus; but, what does that really mean? This is actually part of the sermon that I gave on Sunday. If you want to know someone you learn what they like and dislike, you learn about their past and you know them by their actions. To understand someone's actions, you have to understand why they do things. God does things from love; but, sometimes loving someone mean that we have to restrain them and it does mean that we have to let them be them while they learn. Life is about learning not obtaining some perfect joy, that is for heaven for how can we have perfect joy when we are apart from God?
If you want to have a relationship with God then you have to define that relationship because he does give us our space and free will. If you want to know him well then you will become a student of God, you will seek to know him through his words, his actions and through his creation, nature. How well do you want to know God because you have to make the effort to know another person, you have study them. You have to let them know you and you have to make the effort to know them. The question is not if you know the name of Jesus, the question is how well do you want to know the person Jesus. If you want to know him well then yo will make the same effort that you would to know another human. Be well.
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