8But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. 9These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.
10And Noah begat three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
11The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.
12And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
13And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth
The Lord determined that the people needed to be destroyed. But, Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord, that thing, grace, to not have anything held against you, to be forgiven even if you are not perfect. Noah must have had a very loving heart to have been the only person to find favor in his time.
Verses 9 through 13 are a restatement of verses 1 through 7; but, told from a slightly different perspective. We find this throughout the whole bible, a story will be told from one perspective and then again from another perspective, it is still the same story; but, the emphasis is changed to make a different point.
Verses 9 through 12 explain the lineage of Noah's family and then explain a little bit more about why God was destroying the people and the land. God says that the people had all become corrupt. To be corrupt is to be impure, to be corrupted (which is the literal translation of the word that was used) is to be changed from a condition that was purer. If we go back to earlier verses we see that humans had interbred with the "sons of God", that was the corruption.
God created us to be human and it is our only chance at true happiness and relationship with him. Personally I am against changing people's genetics, that is playing God and we cannot begin to understand the consequences that it will bring. God blessed us with short lives on earth, it say's that our lives are but a vapor that comes and goes; but, we then get to spend eternity with God in our spirit bodies that do not age.
Many places in the bible it talks about how we are not to attempt to communicate with spirits, that includes angels and demons. The bible does have instances where angels were sent to speak to people; but, they were sent by God and not sought out by people. Our role in this earthly life is not about knowing spirits, it is about free will, it is about choosing to care about and be of service to others or to be selfish and self centered, that is the decision that determines where we go. If we live our lives being of service JUST to be saved then we were still selfish and self centered, we need to live our lives where it is not just about us; but, truly is about each other.
It says that the "flesh" had been corrupted, the physical body was corrupted. There are other parts of the bible that talk about the importance of not defiling or corrupting the body and they usually, if not always, refer to sexual immorality. That is the act of sharing your body with another in a manner that is not acceptable in the eyes of the Lord. In the New Testament it talks about sleeping with a prostitute as defiling the body, it is the part where it talks about the body being a temple. We can all be forgiven for many sins and sexually immorality can also be forgiven; but, it is still what it is. Jesus clearly gave an adulteress a chance when he stopped the men of the town from stoning her to death; but, he also said that she was to change her ways. When we sin, rather than hide it from ourselves or lie to ourselves, we must admit it and then do what is right and that is between you and God, I have enough sin or my own.
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